Friday, February 16, 2018

Family Friday 2.16.18

A couple weeks ago was observation day at ballet for Mini.  All the shots were blurry - on the move!  We just love her studio.  The instructors are phenomenal.  E used to dance there as well.
Last weekend Si asked to start learning to sew.  I sat him down with read thread and note cards.  I read somewhere it teaches them to start sewing in a straight line. 
Of course WP had to try, too.  Mini also tried - on my lap, with me running the foot pedal.
They all did pretty well.  The biggest problem teaching them to sew?  Takes away from my time to sew! ;)

The last two weekends have been basketball tournaments at school.  WD is here taking his free throw.  His team got 2nd for the tournament. 
The little dude in orange considers himself "the manager"  His older brother is on the team.

I made King Cake for Fat Tuesday.  Yum.  I used this recipe *here*  My colors are non-traditional, but I did hide a baby in a piece!
Mini has been asking to squeeze her own orange juice.  I finally remembered to buy "big" oranges, as opposed to clementines.
I caught Mr. Riley napping - with a friend.

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